We took the ferry from Dover, UK to Calais, FR at 04:00; we drove the coach onto the boat and had to go through customs to get into the EU. We had to leave the "warmth of the mothership" and so we all dragged onto the upper decks for the extent of the 90min journey to cross the English Channel. Otherwise I would have stayed racked out in my bunk!
We get to the hotel in Bochum City and get checked in; I roomed with Roland (Roamed with Rouxland? That works!) and he proved to be a great roomie. We walked around in the city center; what a cool, futuristic place it was.
The 25th was a travel day; because of the lack of sleep due to the ferry crossing, I had a late lunch at the sushi place next door to the hotel and left my coffee cup in the restaurant. I didn't realize this til the next early morning and was a bit bummed.
I went to the sushi place and could see my cup through the window! Right on the bar where I had left it. Except the place was closed... Since we had an 11:00am bus call I figured someone would be there. At about 9:30am I saw the doors open and oh man, I was so happy! I got my cup back.
The show had been moved to Dortmund, about 20mi away and no one had told our TM. I've never seen Andy that angry. We managed to pull a near sold-out crowd and played well.
This was a special show because my brother Brooks joined us; it was his first time out of the USA and he stuck around for a week with us. He's never done anything like that.