On this morning I awoke to the bus backing into the parking space out back of the club. There was this beautiful stream running through the city and I began my morning walk. Today's mission: Buy some new socks!
Olomouc is a university town (I think?) so there were plenty of students walking about. I stopped by a cash machine and pulled out 20 Kronas (about $25USD) so I could get some breakfast. One thing I discovered, even though the exchange rate was slightly higher than the US dollar, everything was hella cheap! I paid 1.50 krona for a cappucino and it was good! I ended up passing a sushi place (I brake for salmon!) and had a nice spread of soup and fish. Any day that begins with fresh fish is a good day in my book!
Later on after soundcheck we had a great dinner next door to the club at the restaurant. It was in this moment that I truly appreciated Google Translate, as it allows one to aim at text and it translates what you are reading. This is an invaluable travel tip.
The gig was awesome as I remember. Really great people and everyone seemed to love the band.